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input 1:input 2:
Enter an integer: Rats Enter an integer: 12
You entered bad data.
Run the program again.
The square of 12 is 144

Syntax of try{} and catch{}

Here is ONE form of the try/catch structure. (There are other forms soon to be discussed.)

  // statements which might throw 
  // various types of exceptions

catch ( SomeExceptionType ex )
  // statements to handle this
  // type of exception

catch ( AnotherExceptionType ex )
  // statements to handle this
  // type of exception

catch ( YetAnotherExceptionType ex )
  // statements to handle this
  // type of exception

// Statements following the structure

Here are a few syntax rules:

  1. The statements in the try{} block can include:
    • Statements that always work.
    • Statements that might throw an Exception of one type or another.
  2. One or several catch{} blocks follow the try() block.
    • Sometimes there can be no catch{} block. This will be discussed later in this chapter.
  3. Each catch{} block says which type of Exception it catches.
    • It does this in a one-item parameter list: ( ExceptionType parameter )
    • The parameter is a reference variable that will refer to the Exception object when it is caught.


Is this code fragment OK?

      // various statements

    catch (InputMismatchException ex )
      // various statements

    catch (IOException ex )
      // various statements

    System.out.println("Good-by" );